
Daily Archives: February 15, 2012

Been on major hiatus lately. I thought I could keep up with the whole daily drawing thing, but my mistress, University, is very demanding. I do get chance to draw daily but no time to post about it! So I figure I’m going to change my routine slightly and post what I can when I can.

Here are a collection of old man head designs. As part of my Character Art module I have to design a character with ‘very little nourishment’. After going through the design process I concluded it would be a scientist/inventor/doctor who has spent his whole life working on this experiment and he’s getting close to cracking it so he’s stopped eating and sleeping. As they are, these heads really aren’t malnourished enough, I’ll get working on another set which look skinnier, I guess.

I’m also torn between whether it should be an evil scientist, a cynical doctor or a steampunk inventor. Must go through design process with these options now too.

Sorry for the blurriness, apparently it was focused when I took this.