
Tag Archives: anatomy

The skeleto-muscular system is responsible for allowing movement within the body. In order to provide movement, muscles must work in pairs. For example, in order to curl the bicep upwards, the tricep must be present as this action also requires this muscle. Without these two muscles present, this action would not be possible. This is true of all other muscle pairs within the body.

There are three different types of muscle: striated, smooth and cardiac. Striated muscles covers all voluntary muscle within the body which we have conscious control over. Smooth muscle is involuntary, it is found within the walls of the hallow organs, such as the intestines. Cardiac muscles is strictly confined to the heart, this is an involuntary muscles which works continuously. ‘Cardiac’ derives from the fact that it is directly affected by out cardiovascular fitness. The fitter we are the stronger and larger our heart will be.

Tendons attach the skeletal muscles to the bones. At the full extent is where movement stops. The tendons restrict the body from over exerting itself.

Reference for the image:Anatomy for the Artist.

I’ve decided that the best way to learn and understand the human form is to expand my knowledge on anatomy. I already have a vague understanding of the bones and muscles from P.E. at GSCE level (as demonstrated by the diagram).

I figure the best way to learn is to start with the very basics, therefore, I will begin my studies with the very fundamentals of the human form: systems. I will spend the next week or so studying the functions and processes of the systems within the body.

The image displays just some of the bones and muscles I can remember learning about. Hopefully, within a fortnight, I will have an understanding of the majority of the bodies interior parts.

Hello all! This is a place where I intend to upload a daily sketch in order to improve my skills and track my progress.

I’ll mainly be uploading figure and anatomical studies, but I shall also dabble in character designs.

I am currently a student at the University of Salford studying Computer and Video Games with aspirations of becoming a Character Artist within the games industry.

You can also find me on Tumblr, where mainly upload digital paintings and 3d works. LinkedIn, for a shortened version of my resume. And my personal Twitter, if you wish to get to know me better.

Below is a figure study of the male form. Reference taken from Sarah Simblet’s Anatomy for the Artist.

I would greatly appreciate any advice or tips people have to offer in order to help me on my journey.